About the Phoenix School build
To accommodate the school’s increase in size, it is moving site twice in the next two years. Familiarity with physical surroundings is very important to the school’s students, many of whom are non-verbal and highly sensory. Therefore staff were very keen that there is something recognisable and inspiring at the new site: an innovative shelter designed by the students themselves in their final summer term at the old school site, and built by them at the start of the autumn term on the new school site.
A massive thanks to Bow School for being such fantastic collaborators and for their constant friendliness to all our volunteers.
Project Sponsors

Price & Myers
Technical Engineers
Once again, massive thanks to Tim Lucas for supporting us with the design and structural consultancy for the Phoenix build.

James Latham
Sheet-wood and Timber Distributors
An enormous thank you to James Latham for the in-kind material support of all our plywood sheeting.

Aldworth James & Bond
Fantastic support from Aldworth James & Bond in the fabrication of our “fox ear” triangles.
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Make Space Studios
Newnham Terrace