—How many young people today, do you think, look around them and feel like they have had a say in what they see?
At MATT+FIONA we ask young people how their built environment might be improved and empower them to bring that vision to life.
We do this in three keys ways: BUILD, LEARN, CONNECT.
BUILD gives young people the opportunity to make and shape their own spaces. They set the brief for them, design them, and then — where possible — directly fabricate those places. We think there is no substitute for this first-hand experience, where children and young people are at the centre of every stage.
LEARN enables more young people to experience the BUILD process through our method of ‘training the trainer’ — teachers, youth workers and other built environment professionals — and ensuring follow up pathways into extended learning and apprenticeships.
CONNECT supports place-makers to bring young people’s voices to the table when making the decisions about our future neighbourhoods.
Selected Projects

Safeguarding + Privacy Policies
These documents set out MATT+FIONA’s policies in relation to the welfare of children.
MATT+FIONA Safeguarding Policy – Nov 23
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Studio 37
Make Space Studios
Newnham Terrace