UK Play Day

with The Design Museum

About the project

To celebrate the International Day of Play, we ran an aerial workshop at the Design Museum in summer 2024. The team was privileged enough to fill the musuem’s atrium with collective imaginings on shadow play, created by visitors who took part in a wider day of activities. It was amazing to see the young people’s creations, made of felt, paper and masking tape, lighting up the air in the atrium. 

We completely agree with the reflections of Tim Marlow, CEO at the Design Museum on what was curated:

“I wanted to say how wonderful the museum felt yesterday in spite of the political tensions around the country. Play Day was so uplifting and energising and so impressive. Thank you and your team for all the work you did and the impact it clearly had. We talk about animating our building and driving momentum around the transformative power of design… and Play Day did just that.”

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